Loyalty | Data | Activation

We create enhanced customer connections that transform the strength and value of your customer relationships.

We are experts in loyalty program design and transformation, customer data science, and cross-channel activation.

We partner with you to build your data assets, operations, and IP, delivering step change results rapidly.

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We embed our expertise to build your IP and business assets

Loyalty Program Design

Loyalty Program Design

Our loyalty program design and transformation model has been implemented in loyalty programs at both a domestic and international level. We aim to add value across the core business functions, particularly optimising the program construct, customer communication and marketing strategy, and partner relationships.

We empower you to drive more activity into your program and convert it into an asset that opens new revenue streams.

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Data Science

Data Science

Our data science philosophy revolves around your needs and those of your customers. Our experience extends to the design and development of next best action AI/ML engines, predictive modelling pipelines and dynamic proprietary AI tools to predict and leverage what customers resonate with.

Using our data science we empower you to craft your strategy and adapt to market changes as they happen. We are passionate about unlocking knowledge within data and using it to produce actionable insights.

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Unlock the power of activation and first-party data enrichment by building or bolstering your direct marketing capabilities. Our expertise extends to audience strategy, CRM operations, dynamic creative optimisation, uplift measurement and so much more.

We are genuine business partners, not vendors, ensuring you retain full control of all your data, current platforms & operations through this process. Embrace the future of customer targeting, whilst seamlessly maximising your investment.

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